Rev. James J. Payton
Lead Pastor
Brief info
THANK YOU for visiting our site and WELCOME!
It is my privilege to serve this Church Family! My wife, Amy, and I came here with our two small children in tow in July of 2012. That means that this fellowship has been our “faith family” since Griffin was 5 years old and Annabella was 2 years old. Our very own “Sonshine Preschool” ministry laid a great foundation for them as toddlers and they both have attended the Valley Christian Schools since then. I have been in ministry since graduating from Point Loma Nazarene University in 1988. The first twelve and a half years were as a Youth Pastor. Amy and I met in that journey and were married in 1993. She was on the volunteer staff with our Whittier Nazarene youth group when I showed up to be their Youth Pastor (I wish I could say it was love at first sight, but you will have to ask Amy about that!) and Amy likes to tell people, as a joke, that she was “in my youth group.” She currently works for Valley Christian High School as the Student Programs Coordinator. She, among other things, coordinates and cares for the international students and develops the leadership of the ASB Student Body Officers. After working many years in the high pressure field of Admissions at the University level as both a counselor and a director, this work has been a refreshing joy for her! We are loving where God has us and we would love for our fellowship to be your faith family… “IF YOU’RE LOOKING FOR A CHURCH HOME, WELCOME HOME, YOU JUST FOUND IT!”
“How do I like my coffee?” I am not a coffee snob, but to use a Starbucks term: “No room” (that means fill it to the rim “black”)… I prefer a good ol’ cuppa jo from the pot at “mom & pop” coffee shops with the refills flowing!