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What is a CONNECT Group?

A CONNECT Group is a way to help people connect relationally and grow spiritually. They consist of a small group of people who meet on a regular basis, lookin to connect and create authentic relationships, to deepen their faith, and impact the world around them with the love of Jesus.

There is something amazing that happens when you hang around a group of people who may once be strangers, but now have become family, and who challenge you to constantly look more like Jesus.

Day & Time Host & Study Location: City
Sundays, 4:45pm Dr. David Wolfe | Cover to Cover Cerritos
Sundays, 11:15am – 12:15pm Robert & Lisa Franklin | The End of Me By Kyle Ideman Cerritos | Adults
Sundays, 11:15am – 12:15pm  Amy Payton | Grace Based Parenting  Cerritos | Adults w/children
Mondays, 7:30pm Ernie & Wanda Muro | 1st John Zoom
Wednesdays, 10:00am Kathy Whittall | Philippians Cerritos | Women
Wednesdays, 6:30pm Isaac & Jocelyn Soto | God’s Love in John Cerritos | Teens
1st Wednesday, 7pm – 8pm  Carmen & Pablo Alomoto | Book of Mark by Francis Chan Cerritos | Young Adult
2nd Saturday 10:00am Pastor Payton | “Romans” J.D. Geer Cerritos | Men
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