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SUNDAY 7/28/24 “THE LIFELINE: The Lifeline Lifts Us Out of Darkness” – I John 2:3-11

Thinking about it:

The Gracie family has been recognized as the premiere family in the sport of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. Carlos Gracie was the initiator of the technique, and for over 80 years the family members have been dominant figures in the sport as competitors and as instructors. With the notoriety of the UFC, the name has become more recognized. They have a “university” that teaches the Gracie way in philosophy and technique. Students of the Gracie way are recognizable in the ring as their grappling technique and athletic prowess are on display.


“The Gracie mentality extends beyond the straightforward submission of adversaries. The Gracie concept equips practitioners with the skills necessary to lead healthy lives and make the most of their bodies and minds. The philosophy promotes a life free of drugs, alcohol, and cigarettes. The reason being that taking care of your body is crucial in reaching your full potential in jiu-jitsu. Staying connected with family and friends is also a must in the family’s philosophy, as it develops mental and spiritual strength among practitioners. Jiu-jitsu to the Gracies is a way of life…”

Many look up to the Gracie way and claim to be students of these masters of the art.

  • What are things you might see in a true student that are consistent with his/her claim?
  • What are inconsistencies you might see in an imposter that expose his/her lie?
    • How would Carlos Gracie feel if he saw someone wearing the Gracie “gi” (uniform), but living and fighting with technique completely opposite of the Gracie way?

Read: I John 2:3-11

Many claim to be disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ.

  • What are things you might see in a true disciple that are consistent with his/her claim?
  • What are inconsistencies you might see in an imposter that expose his/her lie?
    • How does God feel when He sees someone claiming to be Christian, but living in a way that is completely opposite?



PRAY: Thank God that HE is all we need to be lifted out of darkness. He invites us to walk IN HIM with His light illuminating the Truth of righteousness! Ask Him if there is anything in you that is inconsistent with His Way. If there is, ask Him to forgive you for misrepresenting His “gi” you “wear” with His name on it. Commit to love Him with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength… and to walk consistently in that love!

     Welcome to “Crossroads Family Church… where life meets faith”

  • BEING a welcoming, loving FAMILY of God
  • GROWING as followers of Jesus, enabled by the Holy Spirit through worship, prayer, and the study of God’s Word.
  • SHARING God’s message of salvation with our community and world.